Hot Chocolate

This delightful, rich blend takes everything you already love about hot chocolate and enhances it with a boost of caffeine.  With a dark, smooth flavor and 110 mg of caffeine per cup, this delicious blend is sure to satisfy your taste buds and give your body a boost of energy.

About the Blend

What are the ingredients? 

Our caffeinated blend is only made with 5 ingredients: sugar, cocoa powder, powdered milk, guarana powder, xanthan gum, and salt. 

How is it caffeinated? 

The caffeine in Motive comes from guarana powder, which is a natural source of caffeine. 

What is guarana? 

Guarana is a plant native to Brazil that has seeds that, much like the coffee bean, are a natural source of caffeine. Guarana is known to be a more potent source of caffeine, and it also releases the caffeine into your system at a slower rate than coffee beans do. This makes it great for long lasting energy that doesn't come with a crash in the afternoon. 

Doesn't chocolate have caffeine? 

Yes, chocolate is another natural source of caffeine; however, the caffeine found in chocolate is minimal. By adding the guarana to a hot chocolate mix, we have created a blend that has gives you much more of an energy boost than a cup of regular hot chocolate would. 

How does Motive compare to coffee? 

The average 8 ounce cup of black coffee, like what you would brew at home or get from a diner, has about 95 mg of caffeine. Meanwhile, the same size cup of caffeinated Motive has about 110 mg of caffeine.